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Estimated Multiply Divide Word Problems - Sample Math Practice Problems

The math problems below can be generated by, a math practice program for schools and individual families. References to complexity and mode refer to the overall difficulty of the problems as they appear in the main program. In the main program, all problems are automatically graded and the difficulty adapts dynamically based on performance. Answers to these sample questions appear at the bottom of the page. This page does not grade your responses.

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Estimate the answer by rounding numbers to the first digit, and then doing mental arithmetic.

1.   QRS Books has an item that sold 60 copies for $84 each. What is the best estimate for the total revenue from this item's sales?
2.   NOP Books has an item that sold 58 copies for $55 each. What is the best estimate for the total revenue from this item's sales?


Estimate the answer by rounding numbers to the first digit, and then doing mental arithmetic.

1.   QRS Books had sales totalling $51,452 for 677 transactions. What is the best estimate for the average transaction amount?
2.   DEF Books had sales totalling $19,110 for 294 transactions. What is the best estimate for the average transaction amount?



Estimate the answer by rounding numbers to the first digit, and then doing mental arithmetic.

#ProblemCorrect AnswerYour Answer
1QRS Books has an item that sold 60 copies for $84 each. What is the best estimate for the total revenue from this item's sales?
60 × $84 ≈ 60 × $80 = $4,800
The exact answer would be 60 × $84 = $5,040.
#ProblemCorrect AnswerYour Answer
2NOP Books has an item that sold 58 copies for $55 each. What is the best estimate for the total revenue from this item's sales?
58 × $55 ≈ 60 × $60 = $3,600
The exact answer would be 58 × $55 = $3,190.


Estimate the answer by rounding numbers to the first digit, and then doing mental arithmetic.

#ProblemCorrect AnswerYour Answer
1QRS Books had sales totalling $51,452 for 677 transactions. What is the best estimate for the average transaction amount?
$51452 ÷ 677 ≈ $50000 ÷ 700 = $70
The exact answer would be $51452 ÷ 677 = $76.
#ProblemCorrect AnswerYour Answer
2DEF Books had sales totalling $19,110 for 294 transactions. What is the best estimate for the average transaction amount?
$19110 ÷ 294 ≈ $20000 ÷ 300 = $70
The exact answer would be $19110 ÷ 294 = $65.
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